Head: Clone Wars Aurra Sing
Upper Body/Arms: ROC Baroness
Legs/Skirt: Order 66 Emperor Palpatine

"Didn't open the Box. And what was it last time? Didn't know what the Box was. And yet we do keep finding each other, don't we? Perhaps you're teasing us? Are you teasing us?"
Sister Nikoletta was a nun. Her devotion to her vows were waning. She grew bored with her cloistered, chaste life and sought out pleasures forbidden to her. One day a traveller seeking shelter gave her the gift of the Lamentation Box which she willingly opened.

As with Pinhead, I wanted a softgoods version. The arms and body on the RoC Baroness were perfect and need very little sanding and modification. The Aurra Sing head is slightly small, but the shape is perfect.

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