Head: Duke
Torso: Destro
Arms: Cobra Shock Trooper
Upper Legs: Tunnel Rat
Lower Legs: Mouse
Gear: Various
Mask: Hollowed cast

Breaking free of his restraints Duke attacked Destro. In his frenzy Duke did not notice that neither Destro nor his loyal IGs offered any resistance. Destro just kept repeating the same offer as dozens of video screens clicked to life showing the treachery of Cobra Commander and the United States. Duke was broken. He released Destro and fell to his knees. All the while Destro continued repeating his offer in a frighteningly even tone. When Duke rose it was with the help of the Laird's hand. Looking around the room at Destro's forces something in a display case caught his eye. Walking over to it Duke smashed the glass. When he turned back toward Destro, Conrad "Duke" Hauser was no more now all that remained was Darklon.

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