Head - Big Brawler v1
Figure/Helmet/Blaster - Star Wars Cobmat Engineer Clone Trooper

Lightsaber - Mace Windu

Hailing from the outer rim planet of Brawltooine, B'ig Bral'r was the most festive member of the Jedi Order during the Old Republic. Bedecked in his customized Clone Trooper armor during the Clone Wars he could often be found spearheading invasions in various sticky situations across the galaxy or giving Mace Windu lightsaber decorating tips at the Jedi Temple.

When Emperor Palpatine enacted Order 66, Bral'r's clone troopers misundertood and attmpted to execute Order 69 instead. Because of this Bral'r was able to escape the Jedi Purge and lived to brawl another day.

(Special thanks to Viperlord for the bio)

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