Head Monkey Wrench 06

Trench coat and shotguns Monkey Wrench 06

lower arms and legs Ripper 08

Torso Torch 08

Vest Mutt

Monkey Wrench Joined a group of local thugs and anarchists for whom he builds explosive devices for. He liked crafting and fine-tuning of his explosives so that everyone he made was better than the last and he also liked being there when his bombs were detonated so that he could see the massive damage his hard work had created. By age sixteen he was a pariah in his home town and bored with the limited opportunities of his skills, so he headed to the lower east side of London
where he developed rudeness and crude anti-social behavior unheard of in the Western Hemisphere. While wandering around from place to place he finally stopped in Australia and met the Dreadnoks who were pleased with his special skills and had him join their team...

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