Head - Wild Bill v3
Arms - Dusty v3
Torso, waist - Salvo
Legs - Airtight

In GI Joe issue #97, Snake Eyes is having a big case of the feels because Scarlett is in a coma, and takes to wandering the streets of New York. His three surviving LRRP buddies - Stalker, Storm Shadow and Wade Collins - track him down to make sure he knows he's not alone. One panel from that issue, showing the three of them together in their urban casual wear, has always stuck with me as being particularly awesome, and I wanted to make customs based on it. I figure these are the outfits they used while patrolling the streets for punks and trouble-makers.

Wade Collins turned out quite comic-accurate. The figure's hair colour is based on the character's earlier appearances, and I toned down the brightness of the camo on his pants a little bit since I found it a bit loud in the book.

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