Head: Cast resin Viper head
Torso: Downtown
Arms: Voltar
Waist and legs: Blaster

HALO Vipers are the elite paratrooper corps within Cobra. After completing grueling a 12-week indoctrination program with a 97% attrition rate, trainees are subjected to Cobra HALO School. In order to graduate from this school, trainees must successfully complete their final jump, which entails being spun around ten times in the plane before being tossed out at 25,000 feet at night blindfolded. They must then freefall using only the popping of their ears as an indication of their altitude before pulling the ripcord at 1,000 feet or less. Once they graduate, HALO Vipers are used for insertion behind enemy lines to disrupt command and control and take strategic locations before major Cobra operations.

"To join Cobra, you have to have a screw loose to begin with. To do what these guys do in order to become a HALO Viper, well that kicks it up to a whole new level of crazy!"

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