Cap -
Head - 25th Hawk (with additional sculpted hair, beard & eyepatch)
Torso, arms & thighs - Retaliation Roadblock
Lower legs - Renegades Cobra Trooper
Flak jacket & Weapon system - 30th Iron Grenadier

The second custom in my series of Action Force re-imaginings based on the sub-teams of the 83-84 releases.

Within the pages of the "Battle Action Force" comic, it seemed the writers were given carte blanche in creating codenamed characters in order to pad out the ranks (although these guys often bought the farm by the end of the issue!), so I thought I might do the same, hence this custom.

I based the figures general look on an image I'd seen of a Vietnam era Navy Seal kitted out in blue Levi jeans and a sleeveless combat jacket underneath his webbing.

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