I used Green Stuff for the beard and leg wound. The torso is a Kwinn torso. I love that figure. The legs are from a Retaliation Flint. I used the verst of POC Low Light. I opened it up and used green stuff (again!) to even out the line of the vest. The arms are a 50th Dusty and the hands are from who knows.

This guy is a gift to a buddy of mine. I'm part of Socalcobras and we have this figure, Iggy, who we send from member to member. when you send Iggy to a member you have to send a gift. This version of Low Light is my gift. I was talking to my friend, Socaljames, once and he, off handedly, mentioned that a post Apocalyptic looking Low Light would be cool to have. That was the seed for this figure. It took a few months to come up with the idea but once I did I didn't stop working on this guy.

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