Head: Corps w/ J&R Falcon beret
Torso: General Tomahawk
Arms: Headman
Waist: Funskool Big Brawler
Thighs: Storm Shadow v.2
Feet: Recoil

M4: BBi weapons pack
Golden Eagle: Freedom with Sculpy
Monocular: Backblast v.1

The CIA then approached Eagle about forming a quick strike task force that would answer directly to them. He would have to resign from the armed services but he would no longer be confined to military restrictions either. With that done he quickly went about in forming his own personal task force he called Eagle Force. He selected individuals from all over the armed forces and intelligence agencies, something GI Joe would later copy. The armor and air support was state of the art. Eagle Force soon became a marvel of the modern military. Wearing garish gold uniforms they were even presented to the President of the United States. On their first mission against an upstart terrorist group known as Cobra, Captain Eagle severely under estimated his adversary and got not only himself severely injured, he lost an eye, but killing or injuring all of Eagle Force. The task force was soon moth balled and the files buried in the Pentagon, something GI Joe would also copy one day.

Today Jonathan Eagle is often hired as a special consultant for armies and law enforcement agencies around the world. Even General Hawk has on occasion requested his aid. There is something to be said for taking what we can learn from history, so we do not follow the same fate.

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