Mailing box
3mm MDF
4mm MDF
12mm MDF
80 gauge plasticard
Inkjet Vinyl
Inkjet photocard
Map pins
20 gauge plasticard
10 gauge plasticard
Doll's eyes
Printouts from Action Figure Theatre Downloads
25mm clear acrylic tubing
Light up toy
Dollshouse hat stand
Dollshouse plantpot and plant
Playmobil rocking chair

I first thought about making a 1960's/70s's TARDIS control room about three and a half years ago when I was making a few Doctor Who customs. It crossed my mind again when I started the NJC Doctor Who challenge. When NJC 50 was announced, I seriously started the planning and started buying in parts that I thought I would need.

The plans then went through a myriad of changes until it would have been cutting it a bit fine to make the deadline. I actually finished the console at the end of June. I cut a block and hexagon of MDF for the base, then painted it and added vinyl stickers for the panels. I cut a hexagon for the control console and made the angled pieces from card. All of the control surfaces are layered card and plasticard, with pins and dolls eyes stuck on. The central column is acrylic tubing with the end from a light up toy inside.

I then decided to make the room as a 'shoebox' dio, using a box that some action figures arrived in. I printed out a template for the walls and used that to cut all the holes. I then sprayed them pale grey and stuck them down onto another sheet of MDF. Just used some wooden moldings to finish it off.

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