Doctor Airbender
Doctor Airbender
Doctor Airbender
Doctor Airbender

Dr Mindbender was a long time fan of the Scorpions' music. When he heard of the special concert that the band was putting on for the GI Joe team, he knew he had to crash it. Coercing a Cobra pilot was not a difficult task, and he had had enough basic Cobra training that he was confident he could do the jump. How he planned to avoid capture once on the ground was anyone's guess, but it turned out a moot point. Mindbender's luck remaining true to form, his parachute became entangled in some power lines on the ascent, and he never made it to the ground. As (bad) luck would have it, there he dangled throughout the concert, through cleanup, and eventually lights out. FACING AWAY FROM THE STAGE.

Perhaps not my best work, but I tried to come up with something not too modified, something that could be actually fairly easily produced. I think the result is a nice enough custom. Perhaps a bit more on the realism side than I am used to, but I like it well enough.

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