
File Name: Lonefeather, Jackson M.
Primary Military Specialty: Experimental Vehicles
Secondary Military Specialty: Mechanized Infantry
Place of Birth: San Fransisco, CA

RAMROD is a fourth generation soldier. His great-grandfather served with the famous Buffalo Soldiers in the 1800's, and RAMROD wears a traditional-style cavalry uniform to commemorate his ancestors' bravery. RAMROD initially worked his way up through the Army motorpool before getting a recommendation to the Joe team, where he tested out experimental vehicle designs, narrowly avoiding a commission to the Battle Force 2000 unit, which may well have proved fatal.

"Following the Joes' acquisition of extremely advanced transformation matrix technology, the Fort America vehicle was designed as a medium assault vehicle that could also serve as a self sufficient outpost in extreme cases. Outfitted with Super Sonic weaponry, among other cutting-edge technology, Fortress America needed a commanding officer with a keen technical mind to handle the advanced equipment required to simply keep the vehicle in operating condition. RAMROD was just the man for the job. "Ramrod is an unusual soldier. He's just as comfortable with a muzzle-loading flintlock as he is with virtual-reality controlled ICBM launchers. He's exactly what a 21st century military force needs... someone who can prepare for the future and learn from the past." -General Hawk

Yeah, he's something of an LBC, but not really. I mean, I *did* paint his arms and cap. I'd always sort of wanted to do a Buffalo Soldier-themed custom, and this was my chance. I also sort of wanted a chance to make Fort America somehow less... retarded? There's my shot at it. I always sort of liked the idea of an armored vehicle that could deploy into a field command post, a lot of teh later Transformer toys had the same general idea... Also note that I took at least five or six photos of this bastard, and ALL of them came out badly, so I finally just said the hell with it and scanned him in.

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