
Created by the corrupt Ultratech Corporation the robot Fulgore proved to be extremely deadly when entered into a fighting tournament as a final test of his combat skills and decision making abilities. After proving himself in the tournament, the go ahead was given for mass production. The technicians who built Fulgore wanted to shut him down after the conclusion of the tournament when he started to show signs of becoming self aware, but the president of the company decided that having a robot that could think for itself would have plenty of advantages. While all of the units being mass produced would have inhibitors preventing them from becoming too self aware, Fulgore would only have loyalty to the Ultratech Corporation and its president programmed into him.

It was shortly after mass production of the combat robots started that a Cobra spy within the organization managed to steal a data disc containing many of Ultratech's top secret projects. Projects like the various illegal experiments on humans and the specs of the combat robots, all part of a plan to build an unstoppable army in order to take over the world. Fulgore was standing in the corner of the maintenance area where he had just received some weapon upgrades when he overheard a couple panicking technicians talking about the missing disc. The technicians mentioned the narrow escape that the spy made in a Cobra Fang and the fact that it would take even the best hacker in the world at least a week to break the complex encryption on the disc. But once that disc was decoded, it would be the end of the Ultratech Corporation. At that moment Fulgore made his first truly independent decision. He decided that he would retrieve the data disc from Cobra himself. He turned and walked out of the room with the technicians hardly sparing him a glance as if he was just another unthinking machine. He linked up to the computer network and downloaded all the information Ultratech had on Cobra (which proved to be quite a lot) and headed for the exit. On orders from the president of the Ultratech Corporation (who was notified the moment Fulgore linked himself to the computer) the security let him pass unimpeded. This would be a true test of Fulgore's abilities.

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