Navy Uniform

Appearances - GI Joe 25, 28, 29, 36

Parts Used - Flash head (with Shipwreck's hat), Cutter torso, Hawk (‘86) arms, Shipwreck waist and legs

After battling Cobra in his SHARC, Deep-Six frequently returned to the decks of the Jane and later the USS Flagg.  Opting not to stumble around in his cumbersome diving gear, he typically changed into the more traditional garb of the Navy.  Despite being out of the bulky airtight suit, he failed to warm up to many of his comrades, preferring to speak only when needed.  This brought him some criticisms from them, but he always got the job done.

For this figure, I popped the hat off Shipwreck and glued it to Flash's head after sanding the head down flat.  Flash has that dull bland look like Deep Six, and the hair color is a near match as well.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.