Manimal Terminator

Parts Used - Mega Marines Gung Ho, Topside head, Effects helmet, E. Honda weapon, Rock Viper gun

1995 would have been the toy year based around the Manimals.  The coolest part about this figure is that he would have been blister-carded with a video.  The card touts the slogan, "Learn the hideous origins of the Manimals!"  Whether a new cartoon episode was ever created before the line was canceled remains unknown, but wouldn't it be cool if there was a loose end such as this one out there somewhere?  In the photo in AFN&TR's convention issue Striker's head is
covered by his helmet, so I have no idea what it looks like.  Whether it is simply Gung Ho's since Striker's body is his is unknown, but it probably is not since Gung Ho has pretty recognizable features.  I simply chose to use Topside's head, with recolored hair, since he has a pretty tough look that one might expect from a Manimal Terminator.  The package looks to contain many accessories, including a knife and several others underneath the two accessories I placed with my custom job.

The right side of the package pictures the card artwork of Ozone, Countdown, Effects, Predacon, Lobotomax, and Carcass on a mock-up film strip, although Ozone is titled Striker while the rest have their original names.  This is an odd peculiarity.  Would Striker have really been just another coloring of the tired Ozone mold?  Personally, I think they just didn't have Striker's card art ready, so Hasbro decided to stick Ozone's on the mock-up for the time
being.  Besides, the level of paint detail on the Striker figure leads me to believe this is what the figure would have looked like on store shelves.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.