Computer Security Specialist
by Dan Carber

Parts used

  • Head - Bronze Bomber
  • Torso & Arms - Psyche Out
  • Legs - Lifeline v2
  • Waist - Lift Ticket


Name:  James, Richard K.
Primary Military Specialty:  Computer Security
Secondary Military Specialty:  Computer Programing
Grade:  O-3

Rick grew up in the worst part of Camden NJ, and was headed down the really wrong road until his mother was able to get him involved in the  "Big Brother" program.  Rick's Big Brother taught him that there was more to life than violence, and that education was his key to success.  Taking this information to heart, Rick graduated first in his class, earning him a full scholarship to MIT where he attained a Masters degree in Computer Science - Magna Cum Laude.  After a very short, yet highly lucrative carrer in the Computer Industry, Rick enlisted the Army, and was immediately assigned to various Top Secret Projects, mainly involving finding and fixing holes in Governement (and international) computer systems.  

Somewhere along the line, someone noticed the coralation between his name and his occupation and nicknamed him "SuperPhreak".  The name stuck. Rick was later assigned to the Joe team, at the request of Gen Flagg to help infiltrate Cobra's computer systems, as well as protect thier own.

"To call Rick a 'hacker' is to give him less credit than what he is capble of. Rick can do things with a computer that simply boggles the minds of some of the best computer professionals in the world.  Sure, he drinks Mountain Dew constantly, spends more time online than off, and sings worse than a fish can walk, but nobody doubts his abilities." - Flagg

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.