Desert Assault Squad
by Kevin Jones

Parts used

  • Head, Body - Duke (92)
  • Arms- Shipwreck 

Accessories used

  • Gun, knife, & helmet- Duke (92)
  • Backpack- Lowlight (86) Weapons Pack Version

Notes on Construction

The Jackal head tattoo on his arm was put on with a permanent marker to cover up Shipwreck's tattoo. I painted his hair black, I filed down his nose a little, and I cut a scare into his right cheek.

I've always liked desert camo, maybe that's because The only "War" in my life was Desert Storm. I wanted to repaint Duke because I hated the red spots on his uniform. So I decided to make a complete Desert Strike Force. I wanted to make a Dusty for the team. I couldn't find a head so I made Jackal. To bad I had to use a head twice in one team. I painted all the red spots brown then I added the white dots with the black shadows.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
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