Short for "Special Operations" Ops is the guy who keeps all of the special teams, like Tiger Force, Night Force, DEF, etc., running smoothly and on their assignments. He doesn't really like being behind a desk, though, so he often finds ways to tag along on a given special team's mission. A versatile warrior.

(Personal note: And a real amalgam of spare parts from some of my other projects. I wanted to use the "Jean-Claude" Guile head at least once, just because it was a different face, so I painted it blonde with brown eyebrows. The legs are from the Balrog figure whose torso was used for Sensei and whose head was used in Hydro-Force [Lord, this is getting a little gruesome.] Not sure where the arms came from. Upper body is repainted from Lift-Ticket. A little weird-looking, but a decent figure.


The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.