Ramon Escobedo - Vietnam LRRP

Parts Used


Tunnel Rat head, Outback ('87) torso, Bazooka ('88) arms, Zap ('82) waist and legs, Sneak Peek rifle, Outback ('87) webbing, Falcon ('87) backpack and knife



GI Joe #43, #155

During the high-point of the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War, Ramon served in the same Long Range Recon Patrol as Snake-Eyes, Storm Shadow, and Stalker. Two weeks before going out on an ill-fated patrol, he received word from home that his brother would be eligible to ship out to Southeast Asia. Ramon extended his tour so his brother could not be stationed in the war zone, a condition prohibited by a Department of Defense rule. He would never get a chance to return home to East L.A. The LRRP encountered a troop of North Vietnamese fighters. Ramon caught a burst from an AK-47, and was killed almost instantly.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.