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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Jack Burton Commando xave
Jack Ryan President of the United States Lance Sputnik
Jack Ryan President of the United States DanOfTheDead
Jack Wade CIA Agent Lance Sputnik
Jackie Chan Alternative Weapons Specialist raptor
James Bond British Secret Service MUNDO
James Bond Blunt Instrument raptor
James Bond License to Kill Lance Sputnik
James Bond Under Water Agent Lance Sputnik
James Bond Night Operations Lance Sputnik
James Bond British Secret Service Agent (Casino Royale) Indiana Jones
James Bond British Secret Service Agent (ReAction) Indiana Jones
James Bond On Her Majesty's Secret Circus Lance Sputnik
James Bond Secret Agent Lance Sputnik
James Bond Arctic Agent Lance Sputnik
James Bond British Secret Service Agent (SPECTRE) Indiana Jones
James Bond, 007 Spy, MI6 agent Rambo
James Bond, 007 Intelligence drbindy
Jason Bourne Assassin Lance Sputnik
Jason Voorhees Camp Crystal Lake Slasher bcost74
Jason Voorhees Mass Murder customgijoes
Jason Voorhees Friday the 13th 2DARK2C
Jason Voorhees Friday the 13th killer kramer 70
Jason Vorhees Killer Rosey Joe
Jason Vorhees (Friday the 13th) Killing greboguru
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