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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
R.E.D retired extremely dangerous 2DARK2C
Raiden Mortal Kombat Fighter kramer 70
Raider Spelunker Mainframe
Rambo Vietnam Vet Iron Will
Rambo Code Name: Lone Wolf JoeFan
Rambo Ex-Green Beret LIVEVIL
Rambo First blood part ll kramer 70
Randy "The Ram" Robinson Wrestler pluv
Rat Catcher 2 & Sebastian Custom action figure this was a commission. M77_customs
Ray Stantz Ghostbuster kramer 70
Reptile Mortal Kombat Fighter kramer 70
Rick Deckard LBC 2DARK2C
Rick Hawkins Rescue Team ComsTech expert SOCOM 6
ROC Battle Armor Zartan When not involved in covert ops dubq
RockBlock Night Ops joemichaels70
Rocketeer Death from Above 2DARK2C
Rocky Personal Combat Instructor pluv
Rorschach Watches the Watchmen joemichaels70
Royal Guard Guardian of the Chaos-Bringer Dayspring
Ruby Roundhouse Jumanji selectable player pluv
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