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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Senpan Axis Assassin Jogunwarrior
Serena Cartuth Civilian version of Ajax's Squire drbindy
Sergeant T.A.N. Machine Gunner Tim 121RVC
Sergeant Wright Special Forces Sergeant sgcaper
Serpent Guard Personal Guard/Death Squad Jin saotome
SEWER VIPER underground troops Muskrat
Sgt Hooligan Alley Viper Commander DREMEL
Sgt Stryker Advance Infantry snowman_ejc
Sgt. Blake Cartwright Freedom Fighter danielb
SGT. Pain Squad leader G.I.JAC
Sgt. Venom Com. Snakes' Right-hand Man SNAKE
Shanatu X Shanatu Guard Lord_Chain
Shang-Hai Dreadnok Pirate Bodyguard alleyviperelite
Shangai Dreadnok Ninja beav
Shepard Fixed Wing Pilot harlie
Sherman Master of Shodogkan Karate HypnoHustler
Shining Sword Cell Leader Terror Cell Commander raptor
Shining Sword Terror Trooper Terror Soldier raptor
Shock Viper Cobra Assault Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Shoju Toshoku Zen warrior Keenan
Shooter Sniper Ian
Shooter VAMP Gunner sgartz
Short Fuze Mortar Soldier minstrelboy
Short-Range Close Quarters Battle RETjoe12
Shortwave Cobra Televiper Commander narceron
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