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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Sabot-Viper HISS Mk VI Driver Dusty79
Sabre Tooth Demolitions/Mercenary bucky
Scar-Face Extensive Enterprises Courier OreoBuilder
Scavenger Cobra Vulture Pilot bucky
Scrap Iron Jungle Anti-Armor Specialist OreoBuilder
Sea Bastion Cobra C.R.A.B. Captain bucky
Sea Slug Sea Ray Pilot OreoBuilder
Searchlight Adventure Team Rescue Adventurer OreoBuilder
Seawatch Sea Adventurer OreoBuilder
Serpentra Cobra General OreoBuilder
Shimik Night Force Commando OreoBuilder
Shipwreck Night Force SEAL OreoBuilder
Shore Viper Cobra Amphibious Assault Trooper OreoBuilder
Short-Fuze Night Force Heavy Artillery Dusty79
Silent Master Ninja Commando Dusty79
Silent Master Former Ninja Commando OreoBuilder
Skidmark Jungle Fox Driver bucky
Skids Night Force Fast Attack Vehicle Driver OreoBuilder
Skull Buster Mercnary/Range Viper Commander bucky
Skull Squad Trooper Army of Major Bludd OreoBuilder
Skull Viper Infantry of Major Bludd OreoBuilder
Sky Blast Advance Jetpack Trooper bucky
Slim SWARM Hunters Commander OreoBuilder
Smokescreen Night Shift Driver bucky
Sneak Peek Night Force Recon Specialist OreoBuilder
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