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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
T-800 (Terminator 2) Termination ShaneHelms
T-800 Terminator T2 Terminator and liquid T1000 bcost74
Tatyana Romanova KGB Cypher Clerk Lance Sputnik
Terminator T-800 kramer 70
Terminator 2 T-800 Cyborg bucky
The Crow retaliation 2DARK2C
The Follower IT FOLLOWS Entity DanOfTheDead
The Joker Bank Robbery Rambo
The Joker TDK Supervillain Rambo
The Joker Nurse Disguise Rambo
The Killer Killer Lance Sputnik
The Kurgan There Can Be Only One joemichaels70
The Miner Revenge / Death from My Bloody Valentine Owner of a lonely B.A.T.
The Punisher Caricature Figure The Punisher Character pit80
The Shadow Vigilante Crime Fighter Iron Will
The Shredder FOOT Clan Master DanOfTheDead
The Tall Man Phantasm kramer 70
The Transporter, aka Frank Martin Expert Transportation Services For Hire drbindy
Thor Out of shape Asgardian pluv
Thor Final Battle Thor pluv
Tifa Lockhart FF7 Advent Children Movie Version TeknoKyo
Tiger Tanaka Head of Japanese Secret Service Lance Sputnik
Tony Stark Mechanic, infiltration specialist, savior pluv
Tony Stark Garage Shop Tony drbindy
Tony Stark Time Bandit pluv
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