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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Baroness Cobra Counterintelligence (Update) Robrauder
Blowtorch Flamethrower Robrauder
Blowtorch Flamethrower (Update) Robrauder
Blowtorch Flamethrower (Reverse Colors) Robrauder
Blowtorch Flamethrower Vanishing Point
Bumper Autobot Strategist Kwinn_Lives
Cliffjumper Autobot Warrior Kwinn_Lives
Clutch VAMP MKII Driver (Update) Robrauder
Clutch VAMP MKII Driver Robrauder
Cobra Commander Hooded Supreme Leader (Update) Robrauder
Cobra Commander Hooded Supreme Leader Robrauder
Cobra Stinger Driver Cobra 4WD Driver Robrauder
Cobra Stinger Driver Um...Stinger Driver Robrauder
Cutter Killer W.H.A.L.E. Captain Robrauder
Cutter Coast Guard Vanishing Point
Deep Six Deep Sea Diver and Sub Pilot Vanishing Point
Deep Six SHARC Pilot Robrauder
Deep Six Marvel Comics Version Robrauder
Duke First Sergeant OreoBuilder
Duke First Sergeant Robrauder
Firefly Cobra Saboteur Kwinn_Lives
Firefly Cobra Saboteur Robrauder
Heavy Metal Mauler Driver Vanishing Point
Mutt & Junkyard Dog Handler Robrauder
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