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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Admiral Keel Haul USS FLAGG Commander Vanishing Point
Airtight HAZMAT Specialist Vanishing Point
Alpine Mountain Trooper OreoBuilder
Alpine Mountaineer Vanishing Point
Barbecue Firefighter Vanishing Point
Barbecue Firefighter Robrauder
Bazooka Mobile Anti Tank Artillary Vanishing Point
Bazooka Missile Specialist Robrauder
Borebit Autobot Combat Enginner Kwinn_Lives
Buzzer Dreadnok (Elite 3) Robrauder
Cobra Tele-Viper Cobra Communications Robrauder
Corkscrew Autobot Demolitions Kwinn_Lives
Crank Case Mechanic Vanishing Point
Dusty Desert Suvival Specialist Vanishing Point
Dusty Desert Warfare Expert Die Hunn
Dusty Desert Operations Robrauder
Flint Warrant Officer Robrauder
Flint Chief Warrant Officer Die Hunn
Flint Warrant Officer (Update) Robrauder
Flint Warrant Officer Vanishing Point
Flint Warrant Officer OreoBuilder
Footloose Infantry DavAnthony
Footloose Infantry Vanishing Point
Footloose Infantry Die Hunn
Frostbite Arctic Tradesman / Driver Vanishing Point
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