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Codename | Speciality/Blurb | Creator |
Anubis Drone | Super Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Baron Karza | Alien Dictator | Mainframe |
Cobra Blackstarr | Elite Space Pilot and tactical assault | Vanishing Point |
Dr. Mindbender | Star Brigade | kramer 70 |
Duke | Replicator/Alien Host | Robrauder |
Ellen Ripley | Alien Hero | kramer 70 |
G.O. Dude | Military Strategist | Mainframe |
Grey aliens | Roger, Roger, and Roger | 2DARK2C |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Servant of Apophis | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Jaffa | Goa'uld Foot Soldier | Lance Sputnik |
Malocclus | Alien Bounty Hunter | Mainframe |
Marvin the Martian | Commander of Flying Saucer X-2 | pluv |
Master Brey'tak | Jaffa Resistance Leader | Lance Sputnik |
Maynka | (Star Wars) Bounty Hunter | theunknown |
Predator | Alien trophy hunter | kramer 70 |
Tayla Emagan | Ethosian | Lance Sputnik |
Teal'c | SG1 (desert ops) | Lance Sputnik |
Teal'c | SG1 | Lance Sputnik |
Thrasher - Star Brigade alien | 4 armed alien enforcer | Goofateer |
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