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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Alfonso "Dealer" Gamble Dealer joemichaels70
Big Brawler Infantry Jogunwarrior
Big Brawler Brawlin' Burn Rourk
Big Brawler Tiger Force Jungle Mission Specialist Pyre
Big Brawler Jungle Mission Specialist Kamakura
Big Brawler The Brawlin' One Sharkbait
Big Brawler Spreading Merry Brawlmas cheer pluv
Big Brawler Jungle Operative Scrap-Iron
Big Brawler Ninja Force beav
Big Brawler Recon / Jungle Survival Pentastar
Big Brawler Backbone of the G.I. Joe Team Grand Slam
Big Brawler Jungle Combat specialist Vanishing Point
Big Brawler Neo Viper Spy Troop ibps
Big Brawler Jungle Assault Specialist icecreamman
Big Brawler Jungle Mission Specialist toy-nutz
Big Brawler Mission Leader SNAKE
Big Brawler Lounge Wear Scrap-Iron
Big Brawler Hand to hand combat specialist Lance Sputnik
Big Brawler Original 13 Style beav
Big Brawler Eco Warrior beav
Big Brawler Infantry LeeMarvin80
Big Brawler Q Force Deck Hand meertoh
Big Brawler Merry Brawlin Christmas Sharkbait
Big Brawler Brawler Lance Sputnik
Big Brawler Tiger Force Jungle Mission Specialist Tim 121RVC
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