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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Aisha Assassin joemichaels70
Batman 1966 Adam West version drbindy
Black Panther Marvel Superhero Kwinn_Lives
Blade Vampire Slayer Iron Will
Cobra Ensign Communications Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Colossus Weapon-X Breacher DanOfTheDead
Cyclops Weapon-X Spotter DanOfTheDead
Daredevil Marvel Superhero Kwinn_Lives
Deadpool Merc With A Mouth DrachenWulf
Deep Six Marvel Comics Version Robrauder
Detective Jim Gordon Springfield PD 2DARK2C
Don Gotham Mutant DanOfTheDead
Dr Manhattan Superior Being sgcaper
Dr. Cassandra Knox Scientist aci1985
General Flagg G.I.JOE Executive Sponsor Vanishing Point
HashTag Public Relations acm2785
Hobgoblin Marvel Supervillain Kwinn_Lives
Lady Jaye Covert Operations remster_9
Mockingbird Marvel Superhero Kwinn_Lives
Ms. Marvel Marvel Superhero Kwinn_Lives
Night Hunter Mercenary Ninja Assassin Kwinn_Lives
Nightcrawler Weapon-X Infiltrator DanOfTheDead
Psylocke Marvel Superhero Kwinn_Lives
Schrage Infantry Kwinn_Lives
The Professor Weapon-X Leader DanOfTheDead
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