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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Agent Dark Pack Commando CDR
Agent Helix Covert Operations Nightshade
Alpine PoC Mountain Warfare Specialist lucasclones
Anaconda Cobra Super Soldier Oneforceleader
Brazilian Commando David Jake
Axe Consortium Shadow Unit Trooper Phobus
Baionnette French Naval Commando Kwinn_Lives
Banzai First-Strike Commando/Nunchaku instructor Kilcarr
Barrage Heavy Weapons and Ordnance papabear
Bat Snake Ninja Hero Commando ronin
Big Ben SAS corpscommandercody
Billy Sole Tracker LIVEVIL
Blackjack Delta Force Operative SOCOM 6
Blades Commando / Silent Weapons Operative dirtywolf99
Blain Commando David Jake
Blue Beret Commando Cobra Special Forces LIVEVIL
Blue Beret Officer Cobra Special Forces Officer LIVEVIL
Bodycount SAS Force Commando Sundance
Braza Coast Guard DOG Operator ronin
Bucky Commando unknownsoldier13
Bullhorn Specialist Squad Intervention Specialist jak1996
Bush-Viper Commando Elite Forest Troopers starviper
Busta 9's Espionage & Demolition Expert NIKOLAI
Catt Ninja Commando Force Five Oneforceleader
Cloudburst Air Commando bucky
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