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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
ASPECT-Viper Forward Air Controller starviper
Back-Talk Communications OreoBuilder
Beacon CUTLASS Communications Specialist starviper
Breaker Communication Officer Sharkbait
Breaker Communications Officer jldubbya515
Breaker Communications nova
Breaker Communications Sharkbait
Breaker Communications Specialist corpscommandercody
Breaker Communications Officcer Kamakura
Breaker Terrorist Hostage Midgarn
Breaker Communications FireFly
Breaker OG Communications Expert Robrauder
Breaker Communications Uniblast
Breaker Radio Man / Communications Officer Tunnel Rat
Breaker Signal Corps Kwinn_Lives
Breaker Communications Officer LIVEVIL
Breaker Communications Officer (25th Classic Version) HissHissFangFang
Breaker Communications Trooper Exulted Unicron
Breaker Communications Spin Doctor
Breaker Communications Specialist OreoBuilder
Breaker Communications Darth_Ennis
Breaker Communications (Sunbow style) MacGyver
Breaker Field Communications Vanishing Point
Breaker Night Force Communications Dusty79
Breaker Communications Officer Tenacious D
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