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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Crimson Guard Generals Crimson Guard leader toy-nutz
General Bedlam Cobra General LIVEVIL
General Flagg G.I.JOE Executive Sponsor Vanishing Point
General Hawk Strategic Operations Commander C Richter
General Joe Colton aka G.I. Joe General snowman_ejc
General Mayhem Iron Grenadiers General Robrauder
General Phillip Rey Field Commander / Phoenix Guard Leader Iron Will
General Python Corrupt General ronin292007
General Tomahawk G.I.Joe Commander Robrauder
Hawk Vanguard Commander Doc Rob
Hawk Vanguard Commander Doc Rob
Hawk GI Joe Commander OreoBuilder
Hawk G.I.JOE Field Commander Vanishing Point
Hawk GIJoe Commander jldubbya515
Hawk G.I.Joe General Robrauder
Hawk / General Hawk Talking Battle Commander Robrauder
Joe Colton OG Joe Robrauder
Voltar Iron Grenadier General Robrauder
Voltar Iron Grenadier Tactician Vanishing Point
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