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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Asazi Assassin (Council of Doom) past nastification
Blue Ninja (male) Ninja (Blue Ninja clan) past nastification
Dr. Mindbender & Fido Lead Scientist & Dogtopus past nastification
Flynt Adventurer / Extreme Sports past nastification
Glove Bio-Weaponized Assault Trooper past nastification
Kaos Wrecking Crew Member past nastification
Kiwi Engineer (Space Force) past nastification
Klunk Chemical Weapons Specialist past nastification
Matt Trakker Research & Development past nastification
Mechanic Mechanic past nastification
Miles Mayhem Cobra Air Force Commander past nastification
Moondancer Sub-Orbital Pilot past nastification
Muton Death Robot past nastification
Payload Astronaut past nastification
Quake Environmental Destruction (Council of Doom) past nastification
Rampage Assault Trooper past nastification
Robo-Joe Jet Tech Operations Expert past nastification
Surd Mad Scientist past nastification
Tempest Weather Manipulator past nastification
Wreckage Assault Trooper past nastification
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