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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Aeron Cole Ajax Security drbindy
Agent Eli Watson Mechanic and Transportation drbindy
Agent Sarina Levine Communications and Technology drbindy
Blackthorne aka Aeron Dendrich drbindy
Dr. Bindy aka Kilthawk drbindy
Elias Knight Victorian Adventurer v.2 drbindy
Knighthawk Undercover Agent Dusty79
Knighthawk v08 Series 03 - Agent of SHIELD drbindy
Knighthawk v10 Series 04 - Undercover EXCAL Agent drbindy
Knighthawk v11 Series 04 - Outdoor Adventurer drbindy
Knighthawk v12 Series 04 - Arctic (also Explorer Ajax) drbindy
Knighthawk v14 O-Ring Adventures drbindy
Lara Croft Wealthy Explorer and Adventurer drbindy
Percy Ajax v01 Series 01 - Pirate Hunter drbindy
Percy Ajax v06 Series 03 - Ajax After Dark (also Knighthawk) drbindy
Percy Ajax v09 Series 04 - Ultimate/HACKS drbindy
Percy Ajax v10 Series 05 - Combat Armor drbindy
Renaldo "Doc" Fortunato Air Pirate drbindy
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