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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Calavera Range-Viper DanOfTheDead
Discharge Unconventional Weaponry DanOfTheDead
Dusty REDEMPTION Recruiter DanOfTheDead
ECHO Enhanced Combat Heavy Ordnance DanOfTheDead
Firefly Saboteur OreoBuilder
Ghost Bear Tracker bucky
Greyhound Mercenary bucky
Krypt CHAOS Treasure Hunter bucky
Lt Clay Moore Skull Raider Driver OreoBuilder
Major Bludd Skull Squad Commander bucky
Mercer GI Joe Redemption Squad Leader bucky
Raven SparrowHawk Pilot DanOfTheDead
Rip-It Skull Crusher Driver OreoBuilder
Road Pig The Brute bucky
Sabre Tooth Demolitions/Mercenary bucky
Scar-Face Extensive Enterprises Courier OreoBuilder
Siren Hydro-Viper Prototype DanOfTheDead
Skull Squad Trooper Army of Major Bludd OreoBuilder
Skull Viper Infantry of Major Bludd OreoBuilder
Storm Shadow REDEMPTION Consultant DanOfTheDead
Wreckage Demolitions/Mercenary bucky
Zandar Covert Ops bucky
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