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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Airborne Paratrooper corpscommandercody
Airlift Rotary-Wing Pilot Kwinn_Lives
Annihilator Iron Grenadier Airborne Assault Kwinn_Lives
Ar Puro Tiger Force Radiation Trooper StevieSNLD
B.A.T. (Banshee) Iron Grenadier colors B.A.T. repaint a.dream.deferred
Beach Head Sea Devils Ranger Kwinn_Lives
Big Bear Soviet Mountain Fighter njmace13
Big Bear Airborne Assault Kwinn_Lives
Black Dragon Ninja Cobra Ninja Warrior StevieSNLD
Blowtorch Flame Thrower OreoBuilder
Blowtorch Flamethrower - Special Weapons buzzerbr
Buzzer Dreadnok Scrapper Kwinn_Lives
Chameleon Covert Ops, Infiltration Kiyone4ever
Cliffjumper Autobot Warrior Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Altern Infantry Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Cavalier Enemy Armoured Aviator Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Commander Hooded Vanishing Point
Cobra Commander Python Patrol Cobra Supreme Leader OreoBuilder
Cobra Daemon Python Patrol Tele-Viper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Dragoon Machanized Infantry Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Ghoul Python Patrol Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Lancer Transportation Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Shadow Python Patrol Crimson Guardsman Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Specter Python Patrol Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Tanker Armour Trooper Kwinn_Lives
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