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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Ace (Sunbow Continuity) Pilot past nastification
Admiral Ledger Star Brigade Battleship Commander Robrauder
Admiral Ledger Admiral, US Navy past nastification
Arena Wrangler Events Coordinator for the Arena of Sport past nastification
Baroness Intelligence Officer, Early Marvel / Sunbow past nastification
Black Spider Mysterious Agent past nastification
Blind Mountain Man Survivalist Desert Cat
Blind Woodsman Curing Radiation Poisoning past nastification
Breaker Communications (Sunbow style) MacGyver
Breaker Communications Trooper Jogunwarrior
Brie Lanmark Civilian / Lifeline's #1 Lady Friend past nastification
Cobra Commander Commander-in-Chief (in reptile man form) past nastification
Cobra Commander Undone Vanishing Point
Cobra Officer Sunbow Cartoon Cobra Infantry Officer jldubbya515
Cover Girl Wolverine Driver past nastification
Dr. Mindbender Mad Scientist past nastification
Dr. Vandermeer Molecular Scientist past nastification
GI Joe Trooper Sunbow GI Joe Green Shirt OreoBuilder
Hector Ramirez Investigative Journalist past nastification
Hondalou West Trucker, Captive of Cobra past nastification
Jungle Greenshirt Infantry OreoBuilder
Koko Imperfect Vanishing Point
Lt Clay Moore Skull Raider Driver OreoBuilder
Lt Clay Moore Cobra Officer OreoBuilder
Mahea Animal Researcher past nastification
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