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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Bombshell Decepticon Psychological Warfare Kwinn_Lives
Bumper Autobot Strategist Kwinn_Lives
Buzzsaw Iron Condor Drone Vanishing Point
Chase Throttlebot Scout Kwinn_Lives
Devastator Construction Keenan
Hound autobot infantry Muskrat
Kickback Decepticon Espionage Kwinn_Lives
Megatron Leader of the Decepticons Keenan
Megatron Decepticon Leader Kwinn_Lives
Optimus Prime Tiger Force Autobot Leader icecreamman
Seeker Decepticon Transformer Android Trooper pluv
Shrapnel Decepticon Electronic Warfare Kwinn_Lives
Skywarp Special Weapons LeeMarvin80
Small Foot Guardian Kwinn_Lives
Stinger Decepticon Espionage Kwinn_Lives
Tank Renegade Kwinn_Lives
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