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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Captain America American Super Soldier AdrienVeidt
Captain Cold Freelance Mercenary - Ex COBRA Renegade AdrienVeidt
CharBroil Hi-Tech Flametrooper AdrienVeidt
Col. Dodger Battle Force 2100 XO AdrienVeidt
Deathstroke the Terminator COBRA Mercenary AdrienVeidt
Destro Laird of the Clan McCullen AdrienVeidt
Grand Slam BF21K JUMP III Test Pilot AdrienVeidt
Grendel-Prime Protector of the Heir to the Throne AdrienVeidt
GroundPounder II Assault Armor Trooper AdrienVeidt
Iron Man Micro-Style/ Avengers Founder AdrienVeidt
Lt. James Gordon Detective, Gotham City Police Department AdrienVeidt
Lt. Joseph "Flyboy" Stone BattleForce 2100 Dragon Hawk Pilot AdrienVeidt
Luthor Evil Genius AdrienVeidt
MinuteMan 3 Project: New Infantry AdrienVeidt
Nuke Tool of an American Shadow Cabinet AdrienVeidt
OverKill COBRA Cybernetic Crazy Bastard AdrienVeidt
Overkill Plague Squad heavy gunner AdrienVeidt
Overlord Coil General AdrienVeidt
Praetor of the Crimson Guard Commander of the First Watch AdrienVeidt
Quick Kick Martial Arts Expert /Trainer AdrienVeidt
Raziel, the Soul Reaver Spectral Vampire AdrienVeidt
Stealth-Raptor COBRA Aerial Infantry AdrienVeidt
SuperPatriot Special Operations StrikeForce Liaison AdrienVeidt
The Comedian "Rogue" Agent of the American Shado AdrienVeidt
The Interrogator Crimson Guard 6th Watch Commander AdrienVeidt
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