Parts list:
-RoC Assault on the Pit Baroness body, black paint to cover the silver parts of her outfit, and gold belt buckle. (Man I'm getting alot of use from that mold.)
-RoC Flash's Head
-RoC Assault on the Pit Baroness glasses arms cut off and glued into place.
-Unknown RoC dagger
-RoC Flash's rifle

And a female version of an International Character from Argentina, Cobra Invasor.

I wish I had more to say...this came from me making my DDP Comics version of Jinx, when I saw how close to the Argentinian figure Cobra Invasor was I decided if Resolute can change Dialtone's sex, and if Rise of Cobra can change Ripcord and Repeater's color surely I could make a Lazy Boy Custom out of an obscure character and change the sex of Invasor as well.

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