Head: Blackstar '94
Torso: HEAT Viper '93
Arms: Sci-Fi '86
Waist: Sci-Fi '86
Upper legs: Sci Fi '86
Lower legs: HEAT Viper '93

Rifle: Gnawgahyde '89
Backpack: Lowlight '86

Night Sight started his career as a normal Viper in one of Cobra's more remote watch towers. He worked a lot of night shifts and to waste those boring hours he started, shooting at self chosen targets using a stolen silencer. Still, after some time his superiors did found out what he was doing. As a punishment he had to participate in a tough and difficult Night Viper training course. To everybody's surprise, he beat the all the other Night Vipers of that platoon in both speed and accuracy. This talent had to be used in a better way so he was immediately given a Night Viper training. He succesfully passed. Night Sight now works as a spotter/sniper on Cobra's night missions.

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