Head & Torso & Arms: Cobra-La Guard

Waist & Legs: Nemesis Enforcer

Cape: Shipwreck

Bred and surgically enhanced for size, strength, and endurance, the royal guards of "The Hive" are responsible for the personal protection of "The Chaos-Bringer". Encased from head to foot in organic insectoid armor, these Royal Guards are impervious to any ordnance up to a High-Explosive Anti-Tank round. Although formidable in battle, the guards tend to be tactically unimaginative and are relatively useless without close supervision.

The Royal Guards were my favorite part of the G.I. Joe animated movie. I found my old Guard figure, but his legs were broke, my Nemesis Enforcer figure had a broken chest piece, so I combined them. The paint didn't match, so I dyed them black. Please bear in mind, most of my customs are LBC. I don't paint very well, so I pick parts that go good together with little or no paint and to me this just went together perfectly.

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