Arms - Vintage Kwinn
the rest - vintage Joes

The Ring of Fire Part 4

Tarantula is a Philippine Ranger who was among those who fought Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the mountains of Mindanao before the peace treaty. He then became part of G.I. Joe's international recruitment under G.I. Joe Reloaded* Program with fellow ranger Razorback, and was given leadership over G.I. Joe Jungle Patrol.

Cobra's latest military operation was so secure, even Joe Intel wasn't able to acquire information about Cobra's activities in the 6 corners of the Ring of Fire. Cobra's plan to resurrect the Snake Demon was only discovered by Tarantula when his family from the Philippines informed him that his sister was abducted by flying mechanical robots. When local Police investigated and tracked the Vampire B.A.T.s, they've found Cobra structures at the foot of Philippine's Mayon volcano. Tarantula alerted G.I. Joe and an assault and rescue mission has been deployed.

* For more G.I. Joe Reloaded Program, check out G.I. Joe Reloaded, for more Razorback, check out G.I. Joe Reloaded day 29 - Jeff

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