Head - Firefly v1 (modified)
Torso, Waist - Shockwave v2
Arms - Beach Head v1
Legs - T'Jbang

Hat, door knocker - Marauder Inc.
Riot shield - Cobra Shock Trooper
Lamont - Order
Submachine gun - Firefly v4 (modified)

This is a new sculpt era figure translated into ARAH format. Wide Scope is a good concept, but the production figure was just terrible - tiny tiny head and waist, huge shoulders, the proportions are all wonky. I'm quite happy with the parts I was able to put together for this one, they come really close to the original. I had previously done a version using a Beach Head noggin, but then switched it out for a Firefly head with a ball joint added. I also trimmed down a Firefly (v4) gun to make an approximation of a Daewoo K7 submachine gun, which I just like the look of, and as much as possible, each Joe should have a unique weapon.

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