Head: PoC Duke
Arms: PoC Duke
Torso: Poc Duke
Hands: Swivel wrists are from a swivel wrist figure...Once I tear a figure apart, i usually cannot remember what parts came from what figure, so I'll leave it at that. The top part to complete the gloved look are from the PoC Dusty Gloves, which I chopped up to make.
Legs: Renegades Ripcord
Gun: Not sure, but the way the gun was set up reminded me of the original Duke gun from 83.
Backpack: 25th Tiger Force Duke
Helmet/Goggles: PoC Dusty
Webgear: Custom made from a WW2 Captain America figure, and the regular Duke strap, grenades I think are from a Viper vest, and added pouches are from a BBI figure (I think).

What better way to celebrate the 4th than a custom of the All American Soldier, Duke.

Duke catches a lot of flack on Joe forums for the way he is portrayed in the cartoon, some comics, and the movie. I don't get it. Sure, it shoved down people's throats that he is basically Captain America when it comes to Joes, but that's the point of Duke. He's the All American soldier, he bleeds Red White and Blue, does what is right, no matter the cost, to keep his country safe. He is the ultimate soldier. He doesn't need ninja skills, or heavy weapons, or to drive a tank. He gets the job done through sheer determination, grit, and will. He doesn't care how big or how little he is, and he doesn't give a damn.

Anyways, Duke has always been my favorite character. I've had just about every Duke figure they have put out in 3 3/4 scale. I always been satisfied with the offerings though. My favorite Duke figures were the Arah ones, up to the desert fatigue one that came out in 92-93. After that, I don't think I really cared for any of them until Spy Troops. I thought that figure was a great way to keep him updated, while still looking like Duke. There were various color changes to this figure, each one great. But after that, I wasn't impressed with any offerings until the Resolute Duke came along. That was an outstanding figure. Around that time, I set out to make a 25th homage figure that didn't have a pea sized head and slit wrists, and came up with one. After looking, realized I never submitted it, so I included a picture in this thread of it.

I really liked the initial PoC offering, except the lack of a belt, made the figure look to me like he had legs as long as Stacey Keibler. I did a quick fix, and came up with another Duke, which is listed in the archives under my name.

I was happy with that. After awhile, I started noticing what PoC was starting to become, bringing classic characters into the 21st century, with great articulation, and going for that "ultimate" type of figure (see Snake Eyes, the Viper, Snow Job, etc.) I decided to try and do that with Duke. I needed some inspiration though, so I held a contest during the last Custom Celebration to see what other people had in mind when they thought of Duke.

That got the ball rolling for had. At first, I planned out a literal copy of the winner Oreobuilder's Duke, but a recent surge in productivity by me and customizing that hit in March, decided to go at it and do something different.

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