Ripper - Torso, Upper Arms, Belt, Thighs
Dusty - Lower Legs
Serpentor - Head
Tunnel Rat - Ammo Belt and Gun
Duke - Helmet
Hondo Ohnaka - Goggles
This is Rocksteady (the rhino) from the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon re-imagined as a Dreadnok from GI Joe. I figure he's some poor slob who was too dumb to make it in the Army and got booted out for being more of a danger to friendlies than the enemy. But the Dreadnoks can always use more hired muscle, especially if they've (barely) passed heavy arms training.
While Bebop's look was a little more consistent across the toys, cartoon, and comics, Rocksteady wore the same basic gear but the colors and presence of camo varied. I went mostly with his cartoon look, even though he rarely wore the helmet on screen.