All but head: Comic Book Storm Shadow
Head and Sash: V vs V Slice

I loved the characters in Valor vs. Venom, and I even enjoyed quite a few of the face molds, but I pretty much hated the entire figure run save for a few gems.

I am pretty handy with my Exact Zero knife, so I hand carved the head ball into a '84 style head knob, and put the head on a comic book Storm Shadow body. The skin tones are a perfect match.

To use the sash which visually defines the character, I had to heat it in hot water and stretch it to fit.

I love the aesthetic of the 1984 figures. Less bland than the 82 and 83, but simpler than the 85 years on. I felt that this one really worked, and went on to do other new characters from this time period in this style.

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