Head - General Blitz
Torso - Mercer V1
Arms - Firefly
Legs - Knockdown

General Blitz was one of Hitler's most loyal soldiers. He carried out orders with precision and determination. He was also known for his bloodthirsty tactics and belief in no mercy on the battlefield.

Near the end of the war, Hitler saw the end approaching and had some of his loyal troops cryogenically frozen to serve him when he would eventually regain his power. Of course this time never came and it wasn't till 60 years later when Cobra Commander discovered these soldiers and had General Blitz rejuvenated to serve him.

And at first he did. General Blitz took to the field and won many victories for the Cobra Troops, but soon he found himself at odds with the Commander. Cobra was made up of all ethnic races. A shocking revelation that Blitz could not stand. He rallied all soldiers who had a belief in the superiority of the Aryan Race and waged a bloody Civil War on Cobra Island.

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