Head is a commissioned Hydro-shrink job by Asphalt;
Torso upper legs and upper arms are TF Flint;
Lower arms are A-Team Murdock
Lower legs are 25A Red Star, modded heavily
Boots from Wild Bill
Vest: Indiana Jones coat
Belt is kibble from various other belts;
Hat is Chap Mei, modded to be worn
Winchester Rifle is Playmobil
Money bag is from Chap Mei
Horse (Thunderbolt) is a repaint of PTE horse. Saddle from PTE, Bridle from Dollar Store horse, blanket cut from a vintage Marx Johnny West horse blanket.
When the NJC rolled out with the Cowboys and Indians topic, I knew exactly what I had to do to step up - I had to turn my childhood Marx 12" Johnny West figures into Joe Scale toys. Johnny and his nemesis Sam Cobra were the targets of my efforts. Lucky for me, Johnny won.
The funny thing was that gijoey and I had commissioned these heads to get shrunk by Asphalt some time prior (back when Joe made his Big Jim line). So I had always intended to make these. The NJC was what it took to get me to crank them out.