head, forearms, hands, arm blades - stormshadow v3
torso - stormshadow v1
portion of armor from samurai stormshadow
helmet - samurai stormshadow + crossbow stormshadow arm blade portions
cape - fabric
The Shredder is the High Lord of The Foot Clan. Much like the counterpart the Hand the Foot Clan is an ancient order of assassins. The difference is while the Hand is backed with rituals into the mystic and magical, at times demonic, The foot is rooted in the forward advance of technology and infiltration using and brokering mercenaries all over the world. Oroku Saki is the most recent of the High Lord decendants. His arranged marriage was disrupted when she fled with the aide of a Ronin by the name of Hamato Yoshi. for years they remained hidden and safe. Saki had swore a blood fued on Yoshi, tracking him and any that displayed the influence of his Kappa Dragon Soul technique. In a climatic battle in a burning temple, crashing down upon them, The Shredder emerged horribly scarred and holding the only other survivor, Yoshi's daughter, Karai. The Shredder has dispatched agents to every corner of the world looking to eradicate any trace of his rival. His hunt brought him to New York and into the attention of Zartan, Extensive Enterprises and Cobra. There are some among the elder caste of the Foot that believe Saki was not the one to emerge from the Temple, but the a fractured broken Yoshi, driven mad with anger and grief.